Winners and Losers from the 2018 ND Midterm
Not all lobbyists lost in this election. Just the groups…
Episode 2: Where Campaigns and Tax Dollars Collide
Welcome to episode 2 of ND xPlains. In this part, we begin…
Election Year Payout Promises Begin Early in 2018
A truly symbolic moment took place in the North Dakota State…
When You Can’t Talk About Accomplishments, You Talk About Advertisements
We've already been bombarded by political advertisements for…
What in the World is Going on in District 47?
An unusual situation is unfolding in Bismarck's legislative district…
Cramer Releases First Campaign Ad of the Year and Sets a Negative Tone
In his first campaign advertisement of the year, Kevin Cramer…
DEVELOPING: President of Ad Agency Rumored to be Considering Leave of Absence to run Cramer’s Campaign
Advertising circles in North Dakota are abuzz with rumors that…
Kylie Oversen to Seek Dem-NPL Nomination for Tax Commissioner
Current Democratic-NPL Chairwoman and former Representative Kylie…
Carlson Kicks Off Campaign
House Majority Leader Al Carlson is officially running for reelection.…