Round 2: Hoeven Votes For Unpopular Straight Repeal of Obamacare. $842 Billion in Medicaid Cuts
This morning I wrote about Senator John Hoeven flipping on his…
Hoeven Flips: Supported Unpopular Senate Health Care Bill
Hours after voting for the motion to proceed on the health care…
Hoeven Can’t Admit Congress Should Just Improve Obamacare
The Senate attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare isn't over.…
Revised Senate GOP Healthcare Bill Keeps Changes to Dismantle Medicaid. Will Hoeven Remain Opposed?
The next version of "healthcare reform" has been released by…
GOP Senator Admits His Colleagues Didn’t Expect To Have To Govern
After six months of controlling Congress and the Presidency,…
Congressional Leadership Continues to Undermine Public Process on Healthcare
I hope you're sitting down for what I'm about to tell you. The…
RYAN TAYLOR: Medicaid and North Dakota Healthcare
Real people, real issues, real close to home.
In October,…
Senator Hoeven And Senate GOP Are Keeping Us In The Dark
Demand transparency. Your Healthcare is at stake.
Senator Hoeven Owes North Dakota an Explanation of the Secret Senate Health Care Bill
A lot of people thought the TrumpCare plan rushed through the…
North Dakota would spend 400% more on Medicaid Expansion under GOP Plan According to Republican U.S. Senator
Last week I asked if North Dakota was in a position to pay…