Fargo National Guard Center and Minot Air Force Base on List for Potential Source of Border Wall Funds
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan released a list of…
Who is at Fault for the Misplaced $262 Million?
North Dakota Land Commissioner Jodi Smith recently revealed that…
Anti-Voter Changes to Constitutional Measure Process Continues
The Republican-led Legislature continues to push anti-voter changes…
Principle Versus Posturing on Display
In the 2018 midterm, North Dakota and South Dakota elected two…
“Congratulate the Bank of North Dakota on its 100th Anniversary”
The North Dakota Legislature has declared February 25th, 2019…
Burgum Claims “There is Confusion” from Voters. Senate Continues Critiquing Constitutional Measure Requirements
Elected leaders in Bismarck claim "confusion" from voters make…
31 Senators Approve Creating Barriers to Citizen Led Constitutional Measures
What I've described as the most blatant, arrogant attempt by…
“Historic” Tax Sharing Agreement Between State and Tribe May Be In Jeopardy
On February 5th, Governor Burgum called a press conference to…
Politicians Should Not Be Allowed To Pick Their Voters
It is time to remove partisan politics from the election map-making…