Entries by Tyler Axness

Fargo National Guard Center and Minot Air Force Base on List for Potential Source of Border Wall Funds

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan released a list of authorized military construction projects that are subject to being “canceled” or “reduced” by $3.6 billion and reallocated to pay for President Trump’s border wall. The compiled list was requested and published by Senator Jack Reed (D – RI) the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee. Construction […]

Who is at Fault for the Misplaced $262 Million?

North Dakota Land Commissioner Jodi Smith recently revealed that $137 million was shorted from two constitutional funds dedicated to the state’s public schools. Days later, State Engineer Garland Erbele told a Senate committee that a third constitutional fund, the resources trust fund that benefits water projects, was also shorted $125 million. $262 million mandated by the […]

President Trump’s Budget Priorities are Bad for North Dakota

President Trump’s proposed $4.75 trillion budget doesn’t have places like North Dakota in mind. Desired cuts to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) including changes to the premium subsidy for crop insurance, cuts to the Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Education, and “safety net” cuts should alarm North Dakota residents. Are these priorities what […]

How Dare You

How dare you, North Dakota voters. What was it you were thinking when you voted to create an ethics commission and provide additional transparency on lawmakers after they explicitly and repeatedly rejected it themselves? Better yet, why did you force good government into the North Dakota Constitution of all places? This cannot go without immediate and […]

Cramer Will Support “Unnecessary” Emergency Declaration

On Friday, Senator Kevin Cramer said he had “concerns” about the “unnecessary” national emergency declaration from President Trump regarding the border wall. On Monday, Cramer told Fox Business he happens to “like the policy” and would vote against the resolution to block Trump’s emergency declaration that will likely pass the Senate. Loyalty to Trump above […]

Anti-Voter Changes to Constitutional Measure Process Continues

The Republican-led Legislature continues to push anti-voter changes to the citizen-led constitutional measure process. Their latest attempt would double the amount of required signatures needed to be placed on the ballot. It would also increase the approval threshold to 60% instead of a “majority” as required in current law. The Legislature doesn’t like recent outcomes […]

The Standard Must Now Be Consistent

President Trump’s former personal attorney, “fixer,” and Deputy Finance Chair for the National Republican Committee (RNC), Michael Cohen testified before the House Oversight Committee on February 27th. Cohen, who is about to go to prison for tax fraud, unlawful corporate contributions, and lying to Congress sat before the committee with receipts in hand for the […]

Principle Versus Posturing on Display

In the 2018 midterm, North Dakota and South Dakota elected two new Representatives to Congress. Both won as Republicans. South Dakota’s margin of victory was 61-35. North Dakota’s 60-35. Both serve At-Large representing their entire state. Yet, the February 26th vote on whether Congress approves President Trump’s declared national emergency on the southern border shows […]

“Congratulate the Bank of North Dakota on its 100th Anniversary”

The North Dakota Legislature has declared February 25th, 2019 as “Bank of North Dakota Day.” The resolution, sponsored by legislative leaders in both chambers and from both parties is to congratulate the BND on its 100th year. It passed the House on February 19th following near unanimous support in the Senate. Yet, on that same […]

Burgum Claims “There is Confusion” from Voters. Senate Continues Critiquing Constitutional Measure Requirements

Elected leaders in Bismarck claim “confusion” from voters make changes necessary when it comes to ballot measures. Because of that “confusion” our State Constitution has become “vulnerable” according to State Senators. Therefore, they continue to approve changes to the constitutional measure process to “make sure that voters are educated” when they get to the ballot […]