Entries by Tyler Axness


Today a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee will hear updates on the Trump Administration’s moves to exempt oil refiners from blending requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The hearing is titled, “Protecting the RFS: The Trump Administration’s Abuse of Secret Waivers.” The multiple exemptions have outraged farmers and ethanol producers. Frustrations […]

Burgum has an Incredibly Large Electoral Advantage Though First Term has not been Without Controversy

Governor Doug Burgum and Lt. Governor Brent Sanford announced they’re officially seeking reelection. The announcement came in a video that echoed much of their successful 2016 campaign messaging. Burgum’s campaign kicks off days after a national poll listed him as the 10th most popular Governor in the nation. Though Burgum has an incredibly large electoral […]

Cramer Praises Perdue for “Truthfulness” About Small Family Farms

Last year, Kevin Cramer questioned the “pain threshold” of family farmers who are feeling the negative impacts of the ongoing trade war with China. He then accused those raising the concerns – including farmers themselves – of creating a “hysteria” over the real-world consequences of the agriculture economy under specific trade policies. Recently, Cramer praised […]

Auditor Alleges a Violation of Law. Now What?

According to North Dakota Auditor Josh Gallion, the Department of Commerce violated state law on bidding contracts for the state’s “Be Legendary” logo. The logo caused a lot of conversation about the design and ultimately the process used by the Burgum administration to complete the new look earlier this year. At the time, I asked […]

Rural Challenges: The Decline of Small Town Main Street

There are several challenges facing rural North Dakota. Over a series of posts on ND xPlains, we’ve highlighted some of those challenges including what may help mitigate some of the issues. Full admission, this entry is a little more difficult to solve. Small town main streets have been on the decline for decades. What, if […]