
NOW HIRING: Burgum Seeks Social Life Coordinator

Doug Burgum pledged to "reinvent state government" and make the…

Cozy Relationships Between North Dakota Industrial Commission and Lobbyist Groups Questioned by Measure 1

While lobbyists have poured money into opposing North Dakota's…

Voter Suppression and Continued Confusion Led to Latest Lawsuit

Following this month's Supreme Court decision, North Dakota Native…

Carlson Campaign Seems to Claim Credit for Two Year Delay in Medical Marijuana

In a new campaign ad, House Majority Leader Al Carlson seems…

2015 Oil Tax Change has left Approximately $570 Million on the Table

Since the 2015 North Dakota Legislature cut the oil extraction…

North Dakota’s Insurance Commissioner Has Assisted in Stenehjem’s Health Care Lawsuit

It seems history continues to be left out of reports and statements…

Corporate Farming is Area of Separation in Congressional Race

The first debate of North Dakota's Congressional race was held…

The Rundown

Here is a rundown of what you might have missed in North Dakota…

What Would Burgum’s Budget do to Your Property Taxes?

Governor Doug Burgum outlined what he wants in his 2019-2021…

Gary Emineth Seeking Republican Endorsement for State Senate

Following his short-lived, yet extremely rocky U.S. Senate campaign,…