
Tom Campbell Has Already Spent $139,488 on Campaign Ads
I'm back from vacation and getting caught up on the happenings…

Pruitt’s Visit to North Dakota: Secrecy, Potential Violations, and Missed Opportunities
On Tuesday, we broke the story that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt…

Burgum is Allowing Attorney General Opinion to be Veto Override. Why Isn’t the Legislature Admitting That?
Over the weekend it was reported the Legislature is holding off…

Governor’s Office Turned Away Constituents Who Wanted to Talk About Medicaid Changes
Following my Friday post where I stated why I think Governor…

Governor Burgum Should Tell Us His Position on Potential Medicaid Changes
Yesterday the Senate Republicans released their second version…

Attorney General Opinion States Governor Burgum Overstepped his Authority
News breaking out of Bismarck this afternoon is Attorney General…

Continued Calls for a Full Performance Audit of Oil and Gas Division is Warranted
Last Friday, Lauren Donovan of the Bismarck Tribune published…

Is North Dakota in a Position to Pick Up More of the Medicaid Tab?
Is North Dakota in a position to take on more of Medicaid's funding?…

Burgum Vetoes Public Employee Retirement Power Grab by Carlson
Governor Doug Burgum line-item vetoed a number of bills over…

House Overrides Burgum Line-Item Veto on Parks and Recreation Budget
Governor Burgum issued a line-item veto to the state's Parks…