Tyler Axness
Tyler Axness is the creator of NDx and the radio talk show host of Afternoons Live on KFGO in Fargo weekdays 2-5PM.
Are More Farm Subsidies on the Way?
Did Close Ties Play a Role in Which "Opportunity Zones" Moved Forward?
Were Last Minute Changes to Auditor Authority Justified?
"This is Not a Close Call as a Prosecutor" Former U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon Joined Over 700 Former Federal Prosecutors Accusing Trump of Obstruction
They Failed to do Their Part on Healthcare
Why are Legislators Claiming this was "One of the Smoothest Sessions" in a Long Time?
Legislature Overhauls Independent Oversight of State Auditor
It Seems Certain Legislators Don't Trust You
Governor and Area Lawmakers Attempt to Blame Fargo Mayor for Funding Shortfall
Did State Treasurer Schmidt Earn the Proposed Pay Raise from the Legislature?