Make Them Prove It

Late Friday afternoon, a federal judge in Texas ruled the Affordable…

The Stenehjem Double Standard on Open Meeting Violations

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem determined the Cass County…

Rule Changes and Shouting Matches. The tensions between the Governor and Legislature is on Full Display

New leadership but the same tactics were on display during last…

NOW HIRING: Burgum Seeks Social Life Coordinator

Doug Burgum pledged to "reinvent state government" and make the…

“Oil Prices Getting Lower. Great!”

It is no secret, North Dakota has become more reliant on energy…

ND Emergency Commission Should Support Fund Transfer for ROTC Scholarships

The North Dakota Emergency Commission will convene at 4 PM in…

Winners and Losers from the 2018 ND Midterm

Not all lobbyists lost in this election. Just the groups…

Accomplishments Matter

Six years ago to the day, November 6th, 2012 North Dakota voters…

Cozy Relationships Between North Dakota Industrial Commission and Lobbyist Groups Questioned by Measure 1

While lobbyists have poured money into opposing North Dakota's…

Voter Suppression and Continued Confusion Led to Latest Lawsuit

Following this month's Supreme Court decision, North Dakota Native…