Entries by Tyler Axness

Questionable Use of State-Owned Email Continues in Bismarck

The use of state-owned property is limited specifically when it comes to “political purposes.” Chapter 16.1-10 is the Corrupt Practices section of the North Dakota Century Code and lays out the guidelines. Last week, a Legislator used his state-owned email to announce his political reelection. The question is whether or not that is a violation […]

All I Want for Christmas Is a Long-Term Compromise

Two weeks. December 22nd. That is how much time Congress has bought itself before we’re faced with another government shutdown. Two weeks and they’re celebrating. Put the champagne away, funding the government is literally their job and kicking the can down the road for two more weeks is nothing to celebrate. What will it take […]

Federal Report May Suggest Cramer Has Made a 2018 Decision

Congressman Kevin Cramer has filed a joint fundraising agreement with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The agreement may give us a clearer picture into his 2018 intentions. Cramer has pushed off any public decision on whether or not he’d take a shot at the U.S. Senate and challenge Heidi Heitkamp. Though this agreement doesn’t necessarily […]

In Passing Tax Bill, Republican Senators Forfeit Right to Use Specific Claims

During the early morning hours, Senate Republicans passed their tax bill. Along with its passage, they have now forfeited the right to specific claims in the political and governing process. Here is a brief, but ever-growing, list of things Republican officials and candidates are no longer allowed to try and sell to the public. You […]

Egregious Process Undertaken by Republicans on Tax Bill Must be Rebuked

The procedural move to begin debate on the Republican tax bill fell along party lines yesterday afternoon. The move comes as the party solely in control of Washington D.C. tries to convince the public they know how to govern. Other attempts to convince us up to this point in the year have failed. This is […]

Tax reform shouldn’t hurt North Dakotans to pile up far away wealth

By Ryan Taylor, former state senator and USDA Rural Development state director; and Karen Ehrens, food, health and public policy advocate This week we had #GivingTuesday, and last week, Thanksgiving. They’re both starts to what many of us celebrate as a traditional holiday season of giving. Instead of giving, however, tax bills passed by the […]

County Commission Claims Legislature’s Handling of Budget is “Disgusting”

In a moment of on-record candor, the Griggs County Commission blast the North Dakota Legislature for their handling of the state’s budget. Offering their disapproval during a discussion of NDSU Extension Services funding, the biannual budgeting was described as “disgusting” by one County Commissioner. Because of the state budget cuts, county governments are being forced […]

KENT CONRAD: Let’s Reality Test

President Trump has called for a tax cut that will add $1500 billion to the national debt. In normal speak that is $1.5 trillion added to an already staggering debt.  Does that make sense? We are at a time of strong economic growth and unemployment is at a 17 year low.  Most economists would strongly […]

Carlson Kicks Off Campaign

House Majority Leader Al Carlson is officially running for reelection. The announcement first appeared in an article written by John Hageman of Forum Communications. Arguably the most powerful politician in the state, Carlson is also one of the most divisive. He is the driving force behind the culture of intimidation. The official announcement came a […]