Entries by Tyler Axness

Are More Farm Subsidies on the Way?

Signals were sent the morning of May 10th the Trump administration is looking to pursue more federal action to offset the negative impacts of their ongoing trade war. The President took to Twitter to talk about there being “no need to rush” trade talks with China. In his same statement, Trump said, “we will buy […]

Did Close Ties Play a Role in Which “Opportunity Zones” Moved Forward?

The December 2017 tax reform created a new tax incentive called “opportunity zones.” The new program will provide tax benefits to investors who spur economic development in a designated eligible area. Under the law, Governors are given authority to designate opportunity zones in their state. Those designated areas will then raise private capital investments. The […]

Were Last Minute Changes to Auditor Authority Justified?

I’ve been critical of the power grabs and resilience to independent oversight in the latest North Dakota session. From constant complaints from legislators about being forced to create an ethics commission to changes to citizen-led measure it’s been frustrating. The latest was eliminating independent oversight of the State Auditor. I asked at the time, why […]

“This is Not a Close Call as a Prosecutor” Former U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon Joined Over 700 Former Federal Prosecutors Accusing Trump of Obstruction

Over seven hundred former federal prosecutors have signed onto a letter claiming the conduct of President Trump would, “result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.” The list contains signatures from prosecutors who served under both Republican and Democratic administrations. Former U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon joined the letter. Purdon served five years under President […]

They Failed to do Their Part on Healthcare

On May 1st, the Trump administration joined Republican-led states, including North Dakota, in asking a federal appeals court to entirely overturn the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid Expansion, gone. Payments for low-income individuals, gone. Federal protections for preexisting conditions, gone. North Dakota’s Legislature, Insurance Commissioner, Attorney General, and federal delegation have failed to live up to […]

Why are Legislators Claiming this was “One of the Smoothest Sessions” in a Long Time?

The 2019 legislative session adjourned on the 76th day. In conversations with lawmakers and according to post-session reports in other media, a theme developed. Generally speaking, lawmakers felt the atmosphere was different this session compared to previous sessions. It begs the question, what changed this session? Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner was quoted as saying […]

Legislature Overhauls Independent Oversight of State Auditor

In the waning days of the 66th legislative session, lawmakers stripped away the State Auditor’s independence in fulfilling their duty. Instead of the Auditor being able to independently decided to undertake a performance audit on a state agency, the office must now get approval from a legislative committee. It appears as though legislators are attempting […]

It Seems Certain Legislators Don’t Trust You

Couple the latest legislative restraints placed on local governments with the desired changes to constitutional measures started by North Dakota citizens and it appears legislators don’t trust you. For the most part, they don’t trust local officials to make decisions for their own township, city or county so they created prohibitions on what they can […]

Governor and Area Lawmakers Attempt to Blame Fargo Mayor for Funding Shortfall

Governor Doug Burgum and area lawmakers are attempting to publicly blame Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney for the state’s failure to fully commit requested funding to the FM Diversion. The finger-pointing began after the Legislature had already decided to cut back their support in a conference committee. Yet, communication to lawmakers from Fargo’s Mayor is to […]