Entries by Tyler Axness

Happy Hour: How has the Pandemic Shaped the 2020 Election?

The coronovirus pandemic has changed our day-to-day life. Over 60,000 American lives lost and 30 million Americans unemployed in a matter of weeks. As some states begin to open up, including right here in North Dakota, many questions remain. What does this mean for the 2020 election? What are some realities this crisis has revealed? […]

Bank of North Dakota Activated for Small Business Relief

North Dakota small businesses will soon be able to access relief from the state-owned Bank of North Dakota. The announcement came late Friday afternoon on April 24th. State-provided aid has proven necessary as federal relief for small businesses has been riddled with issues. North Dakota, through the BND, is in a unique position to help […]

Collapse in Oil Prices and North Dakota’s Budget. What can be Done?

Oil closed negative for the first time on April 20th. The steep collapse left analysts on CNBC scratching their heads as it was happening in real-time. What happens to producers? What will it mean for jobless rates in North Dakota? How will this impact alternative energy like ethanol and biofuels? A lot of questions with […]

Budgets for Towns and Counties Likely to Feel Pressure. Will There Be Relief?

North Dakota’s towns and rural county budgets will be hit during the covid-19 pandemic. Although the $2.2 trillion CARES Act will provide ND $1.25 billion, it is unclear whether that will trickle down to local budgets. Based on guidelines, not a single town or county will qualify for direct federal relief in the package. Additionally, […]

Will 2020 be a Lost Year for Initiated Measures in ND?

Article III of the North Dakota Constitution guarantees the right of the people to initiate or refer laws by petition. Is there anything the state can do to guarantee that right is executed safely in 2020? With high-traffic areas closed and events canceled or postponed, the ability for committees to meet initiated measure requirements appears […]

Rural ND Hospitals Prepare for Increase in Covid-19 Cases

North Dakota hospitals are preparing for an increase in covid-19 cases in rural parts of the state. This week, Governor Burgum and rural health care providers discussed what is needed for hospitals outside of our metro areas. As the pandemic overwhelms our health care systems in urban hot-spots, rural hospitals have faced prolonged challenges to […]

Agriculture Included in CARES Act. How Will USDA Administer the Relief?

The $2 trillion CARES Act sets aside a little over $23 billion directed to support farmers and ranchers. The move to soften the financial impacts of convid-19 is welcomed, but questions remain. With little oversight and direction, how will Sonny Perdue and the USDA distribute the relief? We cannot let recent history repeat itself. There […]

Thank a Trucker

Business and commerce look a lot different these days. Restaurants and bars are prohibited from allowing dine-in. Some have adapted to curbside service when available. Others have locked the doors in hopes to financially manage until the executive order expires. Other places deemed essential, like grocery stores, are allowed to stay open for consumer needs. […]